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Rail Impacts

Railway regulations modernised

Poland has amended regulations on railway traffic.

01. November 2023
Rail Impacts

Railway industry demands reliable financing perspectives for ETCS expansion

The VDB has criticised the lack of reliable financing perspectives for the expansion of ETCS and other digitisation projects in the rail sector.

12. September 2023
Rail Impacts

Railway companies rely on robot dogs

Reducing workload, relieving employees: these are among the goals of a test project in which Deutsche Bahn (DB) is using a dog-like robot. A feasibility study on the use of "Spot" in the railway sector has also already been carried out by the Berlin-based LAT Group.

21. September 2023
Rail Impacts

RailWatch launches data platform TrainSnap

The Bonn-based company RailWatch launched its TrainSnap data platform in July. The platform displays data on the condition of freight wagons that the company collects via its WTMS stations. The data can be used for logistical processes, but also for maintenance.

04. August 2022
Rail Impacts

"Rail operators lack incentives to convert"

Matthias Ruete has been the European coordinator for the introduction of ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) since 2019. In an interview with Rail Impacts, he talks about the state of expansion, problems with the roll-out and measures with which the EU wants to accelerate the introduction.

02. März 2022
Rail Impacts

Rail cybersecurity firm secures funding

Railway cybersecurity firm RazorSecure has sourced GBP 1.3m of funding to support its plans for expansion in the Europe and North American markets over the next five years.

24. April 2023
Rail Impacts

RailCOMPLETE® - Planning tool for railway assets

The planning process for electrotechnical systems in railway engineering is characterised by many system discontinuities, different planning procedures in control and safety technology and in overhead line construction.

18. August 2022
Rail Impacts

Project progress in highly automated shunting

In automated driving on the railways, the projects around shunting are the most advanced - here the conditions are significantly easier than in public modes.

28. April 2022
Rail Impacts

Premises for the success of DSD

In October, nine transport associations and Deutsche Bahn (DB) presented a key points paper "Premises for a successful rollout of Digital Rail Germany (DSD)".

15. Oktober 2021
Rail Impacts

Praise for the European standard ATO over ETCS

The technical basis for highly and fully automated rail operations ATO over ETCS developed by the European research project Shift2Rail works, is robust and suitable for practical use.

11. Januar 2023
Rail Impacts

Point maintenance: New possibilities in condition monitoring

Point machines are devices used to control the movement of points. Their main function is to align the points or rails of a turnout to the desired position so that trains can continue on a particular track or be diverted to another track.

09. Oktober 2023
Rail Impacts

Odometry solution tested for railway operations

Humatics, together with Hitachi Rail, has successfully completed a one-year pilot project for odometry in rail transport.

03. August 2022
Rail Impacts

Numerous ETCS projects in the CEF programme

The EU Commission announced on 29 June 2022 that 135 transport infrastructure projects have now been selected from 399 project proposals submitted for the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

01. Juli 2022
Rail Impacts

No Czech DAC support

The Czech Ministry of Transport will not implement the use of subsidies recently approved by the EU Commission to support the conversion to a Digital Automatic Coupling (DAC).

14. August 2023
Rail Impacts

New safety system for "simple" lines

On behalf of the ADME (Agence de la transition écologique - Agency for Ecological Transition), the NS2F consortium is developing a simplified, digital and innovative safety system under the name "Nouvelle Signalisation Ferroviaire Frugale" for branch lines in France.

21. November 2022