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Rail Impacts

Alstom to supply CBTC for Turin Metro

Alstom will equip Line 1 of the Turin Metro with a CBTC system. The contract with the municipal company Infra.To includes the development, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of the control system.

15. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Alstom starts ETCS installation on vehicles for Stuttgart

On 21 March 2022, the first class 423 S-Bahn vehicle from Stuttgart arrived at Alstom's Hennigsdorf plant to be equipped with the ETCS onboard unit.

24. März 2022
Rail Impacts

Alstom: Signaling technology for 118 regional trains

As part of the “Digitaler Node Stuttgart” project, Alstom is also equipping 118 regional trains from various manufacturers with digital signaling technology in addition to the Stuttgart S-Bahn.

05. August 2021
Rail Impacts

Alstom equips vehicles

Alstom has received an order from ČD-Telematika to supply ETCS Level 2 OnBoard Units for seven Pendolino vehicles (series 680) and 66 electric vehicles (series 471), also called CityElefant.

07. Februar 2023
Rail Impacts

Alstom completes work on metros in Málaga and Rotterdam

Alstom reports the completion of work on the metro lines in Málaga and Rotterdam. In Málaga, the company has now equipped the entire network with its CBTC solution.

06. April 2023
Rail Impacts

Alstom awarded contract by Renfe to equip 28 locomotives with ERTMS

Alstom will equip 28 freight locomotives with ERTMS technology for Renfe. The order from the Spanish state railway company is worth 11.2 million euros.

19. Juli 2023
Rail Impacts

Alcatel-Lucent and Nokia join forces for mega project in Paris

The companies are cooperating on the construction of a network infrastructure for the Grand Paris Express metro project. Among other things, this involves video surveillance and measuring air quality.

22. September 2023
Rail Impacts

AI Mobility Lab at InnoTrans 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies do not stop at the railway system and so InnoTrans 2024 is introducing the new exhibition area AI Mobility Lab.

21. Juli 2023
Rail Impacts

Adif AV orders measuring train for high-speed lines

The Spanish infrastructure manager for high-speed lines Adif AV has ordered another measuring train from the manufacturer CAF. It is to travel at a speed of up to 300 km/h on normal tracks.

19. Juli 2023
Rail Impacts

AŽD: Digitisation in Bohemia completed

Czech company AŽD has completed the full digitisation of the line between Obrnice and Čížkovice called the Plum Railway (Švestková dráha) while it is still in operation.

15. Februar 2023
Rail Impacts

Accurate train location data trial in Great Britain

Potential uses of very precise train location data are being assessed from a trial installation of Thales’ Robust Train Positioning System on a Great Western Railway Class 150 diesel multiple-unit in Great Britain.

10. März 2022
Rail Impacts

Access more difficult for competitors in France: ART recommendations

The ART, the French Autorité de Régulation des Transports, has published a study in which it makes 18 concrete recommendations to remove barriers to entry for competitors in passenger rail transport.

28. Juli 2022
Rail Impacts

20th anniversary of the ETCS test train

For two decades now, a Desiro Classic test train with Trainguard® equipment (VT 1.0/1.5 ETCS) from Siemens Mobility has been in operation for practical testing on lines equipped with ETCS Level 1 or Level 2.

10. Oktober 2023