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Rail Impacts

Supreme Audit Office criticises PKP PLK S.A.

In a detailed report on the introduction of ETCS and GSM-R systems in Poland by the infrastructure manager, the Supreme Audit Office of Poland (NIK) has pointed out deficiencies and voiced criticism.

17. August 2023
Rail Impacts

Successful test run for the digital freight train

In the past one and a half years, a total of 10,000 km were covered in seven European countries, with 25 different marshalling yards, in different terrain and under extreme weather conditions from -25 to +40 degrees.

08. Mai 2023
Rail Impacts

Successful GoA4 test run in the Czech Republic

The railway technology manufacturer AŽD presented an ATO solution on the Cížkovice - Most line on 15.12.2021. It was the first public run according to the GoA4 automation level on the Czech network.

18. Januar 2022
Rail Impacts

Successes with data-based switch monitoring

Vossloh has now made great progress on an order for data-based condition monitoring of switches in Sweden.

21. Dezember 2022
Rail Impacts

Strategic partnership of Cervello and ST Engineering

Cervello, an Israeli-based global provider of rail cybersecurity solutions, has announced a strategic partnership with ST Engineering, a Singapore-based global technology, defence and engineering group.

26. Oktober 2022
Rail Impacts

Start of digital interlocking construction at Zwieseler Spinne

From July onwards, the equipment of the subnetwork "Zwieseler Spinne" with modern signalling and interlocking technology will start.

03. Juni 2022
Rail Impacts

Stadler supplies ETCS for DB vehicles

Stadler Signalling AG is currently equipping the first vehicles of Deutsche Bahn with its ETCS solution Guardia.

29. November 2021
Rail Impacts

Stadler restructures signalling division

The Swiss company Stadler had already taken over the Braunschweig-based BBR Verkehrstechnik GmbH with its group companies on 1 January 2022.

20. Juli 2022
Rail Impacts

Stadler acquires BBR and forms new Signalling Division

Stadler takes over BBR Verkehrstechnik GmbH with its group companies in the field of signalling technology and digitalisation.

21. Dezember 2021
Rail Impacts

Spain may subsidise on-board equipment for ETCS

The European Commission has authorised, under EU state aid rules, a Spanish scheme worth EUR 30 million to remove obstacles to the interoperability of rail freight services in Spain.

14. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Spain: Development partnership for 5G solutions and services

Indra, an aerospace, defence and mobility technology company, and Masmovil, one of the leading 5G operators in Spain, have signed a cooperation agreement.

24. Oktober 2022
Rail Impacts

SpaceX engineers develop autonomous rail vehicles

When SpaceX engineers join forces to form a new company, technological innovation is highly likely. The Californian start-up Parallel Systems is dedicated to developing autonomous rail vehicles for freight transport.

03. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

"Solve optimisation problems better and faster"

The development of quantum computers is being massively promoted by governments. DB Systel is actively preparing for the time when they are ready for the market. Manfred Rieck, Vice President Individual Solution Development at DB Systel GmbH, describes in an interview which railway applications can benefit. The interview has just been published in issue 4/22 of ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, the questions were asked by ETR editor Dagmar Rees.

14. April 2022
Rail Impacts

Smart way to monitor rail performance

Amsted Digital Solutions IQ Series gateways provide insights such as real-time location, impact detection and charge status, and can be configured to include Bogie IQ™ wheelset and brake condition monitoring.

08. September 2023
Rail Impacts

Signal-controlled warning system for more construction site safety

Together with its French partner Systra, the company Zöllner has developed a new automatic acoustic and optical warning system.

23. September 2022