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Ihre Ergebnisse: 133 Nachrichten

Rail Impacts

Experiences from the ETCS conversion at S-Bahn Hamburg

Practical experience from the implementation of ATO over ETCS was reported at the annual conference of railway experts in Fulda at the beginning of May.

23. Mai 2022
Rail Impacts

Digital interlocking for the S-Bahn in Hamburg city centre

The federal government is funding the planning of the digital interlocking Hamburg-City with EUR 31.5 million. This will enable "a speed boost in the digitalisation of Hamburg's S-Bahn", says Deutsche Bahn AG (DB).

25. Mai 2022
Rail Impacts

Budget adjustment: ERTMS title for 2022 confirmed - higher commitment appropriations

More money than originally planned will be available for equipping German infrastructure and rolling stock with the European train control system ERTMS in the 2022 budget year.

25. Mai 2022
Rail Impacts

EU approves Slovenia's support for ETCS in freight transport

The European Commission has approved a Slovenian aid scheme worth EUR 8 million for equipping freight locomotives with ETCS.

15. Juni 2022
Rail Impacts

Dutch association Railgood warns against "Expensive-RTMS"

The Dutch association of rail freight operators, Railgood, is calling for financial support for companies for the conversion of rolling stock to the European train control and command system ERTMS/ETCS.

21. Juni 2022
Rail Impacts

Numerous ETCS projects in the CEF programme

The EU Commission announced on 29 June 2022 that 135 transport infrastructure projects have now been selected from 399 project proposals submitted for the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

01. Juli 2022
Rail Impacts

British government promotes ETCS for East Coast Main Line

The British Department for Transport is launching a large-scale modernisation offensive: the government wants to invest more than 1 billion pounds in ETCS signalling technology on the East Coast Main Line.

07. Juli 2022
Rail Impacts

DB E&C introduces new software for LST planning

At DB Engineering & Consulting (DB E&C), the introduction of new software for the planning of control and safety technology (LST) is underway.

20. Juli 2022
Rail Impacts

DB Cargo pilot train with automated brake testing system in operation

DB Cargo has put a pilot train with an automated brake testing system into operational parallel operation at Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH (MEG).

21. Juli 2022
Rail Impacts

Access more difficult for competitors in France: ART recommendations

The ART, the French Autorité de Régulation des Transports, has published a study in which it makes 18 concrete recommendations to remove barriers to entry for competitors in passenger rail transport.

28. Juli 2022
Rail Impacts

Switzerland: partnership for cyber security of signalling systems

Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) has signed a partnership agreement with Fincons Group and Cervello to receive services for the security of SBB's railway signalling and safety systems throughout Switzerland.

29. Juli 2022
Rail Impacts

Odometry solution tested for railway operations

Humatics, together with Hitachi Rail, has successfully completed a one-year pilot project for odometry in rail transport.

03. August 2022
Rail Impacts

RailWatch launches data platform TrainSnap

The Bonn-based company RailWatch launched its TrainSnap data platform in July. The platform displays data on the condition of freight wagons that the company collects via its WTMS stations. The data can be used for logistical processes, but also for maintenance.

04. August 2022
Rail Impacts

New cybersecurity service for railway companies and public transport operators

Telent has a new product in its portfolio alongside its range of digitisation services focusing on high-availability IP and transmission networks for the mobility of the future.

11. August 2022
Rail Impacts

Secure computer platform specified for future rail operations

With advancing digitalisation, new technologies are entering the railway system that place high security demands on the IT environment.

17. August 2022