17.-18.04.2024 | Hotel Mondial am Dom, Cologne
Railway Diagnostic and Monitoring Conference 2024
Thursday, 18st April 2024
- 09:00
Holistic wheelset management - The basis for practical wear and material forecasts
Helmut Hohenbichler, BOOM SOFTWARE AG
- 09:30
NGT Taxi – A Diagnostic Approach to Vehicle Maintenance in Remote Areas
Wolfgang Alten, DLR
- 10:00
IT Security in Diagnostic and Monitoring – Requirements, Relevance, Solutions
Johannes Häring, INCYDE GmbH
- 10:30
Benefits and challenges of a comprehensive condition monitoring solution for rail vehicles, components, and infrastructure
Alan Dittrich, ZF Group
- 10:50
Coffee break
- 11:20
Operational State Detection and Its Key Role in Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance
Lukas Hofmann, Plasser&Theurer
- 11:50
Data Fusion for a more holistic view on the railway infrastructure
Johannes Braun, DRUM - Dynamic Rail Utilities Monitoring GmbH
- 12:20
Panel discussion: Many data, many stakeholders, diverse interests - how to enhance data exchange to leverage effects
Moderator Simon Giovanazzi, infraView
Bas van Wijhe, ProRail
Achim Leister, DB Cargo
Stefan Distlberger, voestalpine Digital Track Management GmbH
Benedikt Schönhuber, PJ Messtechnik GmbH
Harald Hopfgartner, voestalpine Signaling Siershahn GmbH
- 13:00
End of the event